This article reveals to you the 13 types of videos to post in order to grow your youtube channel in a short period of time
Do you want to grow your new YouTube channel up to 1000 subscribers in no time? Here are some of the types of videos you should create for your YouTube channel. Note that not any video uploaded on YouTube is capable of boosting your channel. There are specific videos at times that work in your interest of growing the channel so fast. This article is designed to enlighten you with strategic videos that you might consider creating and posting either on your new channel or an already existing one. The following is the list of types of video content that would help to grow YouTube by attracting more traffic to the channel: reaction videos, how-to videos, listicle videos, education videos, Behind the Scenes (BTS) videos, product Demo videos, community-based videos, music, business results videos, company value videos, Q&A videos, celebrity gossip videos, and pranks.
Types of YouTube videos that attract more traffic explained
1. How-to guide
Some circumstances define what someone wants to watch on YouTube. They might be struggling to do or understand how some things are done or operated. Through streaming, for example, you might want to demonstrate to them how to create a YouTube video. If this is the interest of some of your potential audience, you will probably force them to watch and they choose to subscribe to your channel. How-to videos are videos in which one guides how something is carried out step by step. Just like education videos, how-to guide videos provide learning and answers. However, how-to videos are slightly different from educational videos because they have no limits on what should and should not be taught.
2. Listicle videos
The term ‘listicle’ is the combination of the word ‘list’ and article’. It is a type of video that explain concepts in a list format using some graphic design. It is one of the common videos that are liked by YouTube users.
3. Educational videos
These videos are objected to inform educate and provide answers to questions. Unlike how-to videos, educational ones are limited to the topics and fields of study. Education content comprises health, sports, agriculture content, etc. While channels provide educational content they consider the advantages of visual learning. Visual learning makes students feel comfortable, it is easy to remember and understand the stuff. Therefore, YouTube is one of the online platforms that provide such an education system. Some of the large channels that provide educational videos are TED and the geographic ones that belong to large official organizations.
4. Behind scenes videos (BTS)
These videos show the human side of the company or organization especially its culture to attract the attention of potential employees. You allow the viewers to glimpse what and how you do your manufacturing.
5. Community-based videos
These are less like educational videos only that you let your audience community do it on their own. This is done through interviews, asking guests to present on some topics and post their videos on your YouTube channel or you host a live Q&A where seek questions from the audience and answer them.
6. Business results videos
These videos are made to impress the audience, investors, and potential employees so that the audience becomes interested in the products or services and affairs of the company.
7. Company value videos
They are designed to tell the viewers or audience more about the company, what they do or manufacture as the company, and why to attract more customers. Those videos might have collaborated with influencers or investment partners.
8. Q&A videos
They provide an avenue of community engagement. The owner of the YouTube channel provides stances where they and audiences argue, and pose questions and answers. This showcases the channel and authority of the proprietor.
9. Celebrity gossip videos
These are stories about other people’s private affairs. Many people love watching videos for fun and as one way of interacting with other people’s ways of life.
10. Reaction videos
These are videos that appeal to the emotions of the audience. They are one of the most liked videos by YouTube users. Those videos make people wonder, become uncertain, and, make them funny.
11. Pranks
The internet has many advantages and functions in modern days. One of them is to entertain humankind. We as well expect to find funny plays on YouTube just like it is with social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. Many people enjoy jokes during holidays and any other free time to make them laugh. Some comedies reflect our reality about life. For this reason, comics qualify as one of the types of videos that win the most traffic on YouTube. If you pull more traffic to your channel, you will begin to proceed to post more funny videos.
12. Music videos
Music is the area that brings more joy and attention to people. Some people, like me, would always listen and watch songs I like that make me happy or pacify me in one way or another. As a YouTube user, I am likely to be attracted to good music. This includes background music in some videos. I strongly believe that I am not the only person who is such fun there are many people instead and if you choose to upload a video on YouTube make sure that you incorporate it into a background song it is not pure music video. You will probably win the potential audience for your channel.
13. Product Review videos
Just like explainer videos, reviews videos of products are more trending nowadays, especially for those people who go shopping or want to buy some products. You rarely buy a product whose effectiveness and efficiency you are not aware of. Review videos are videos that show off how effective and efficient a particular new product is, its usage, and its functions. This is one area that attracts more audiences on YouTube.
In conclusion, I urge you to consider the video strategies that have been well enlisted and explained above so that you grow your YouTube channel in a short period and compete with other channels