The failure of our government - a power game

The Austrian government and its power game. How the politicians undermine and control the people. The failure of our politicians. What is being kept secret?

The failure of our government - a power game
The failure of our government - a power game
The failure of our government - a power game
The failure of our government - a power game

Our government

The government consists of the Federal Chancellor and the Federal Ministers. Together they make up the cabinet. The different parties are:

ÖVP - 71 Mandate

SPÖ - 40 Mandate

FPÖ - 30 Mandate

GRÜNE - 26 Mandate

NEOS - 15 Mandate

OK - 1 Mandate

Of all these parties, which one can you trust? Are only election promises made or do you really want to change something? At the moment I don't think that any party can be trusted. Too often the citizens have been disappointed, sold, betrayed, and lied to. The pact with the EU was never beneficial either. We have deteriorated rather than improved. Life in Austria is no longer what it used to be, our government has contributed a lot to it.

Corona and the Government

Even if nobody can, wants, or does not wants to hear it anymore. Corona is still on everyone's lips. Vaccination is requested every day on the radio, the Internet, television, and other media. Our country is a free country. We live in a free democracy. This is what our ancestors fought for. Nobody can tell me how to live. And certainly not determine my body. It has also been proven that vaccinations in no way protect you from Corona. You just have a milder course. But that also means that as a vaccinated person you can still infect others. Therefore, blaming the unvaccinated is not justified.

Our politicians accept a division in society just to show their power. Control over the people. You want to switch from 3G to 1G. What does that mean exactly? That unvaccinated people are totally restricted in their freedom just to put pressure on them. It's about bringing us to our knees and letting this vaccine blow into us. If the vaccine is so reliable, why is the number of people infected increasing? Or is that just scare tactics again? There is talk of a new lockdown again.

The fourth wave

The fourth corona wave continues to pick up speed. Allegedly, the number of new infections has risen to 1,848 in the past 24 hours. But can you believe the media? Or do you want a justification for a new lockdown? The schools are about to be reopened. The universities only allow vaccinated people on the campus. Everything that is happening now is an encroachment on the personal rights of every person. Students are tested three times a week. Unless you are vaccinated. Mask compulsory only for non-vaccinated people.

Mind you. The virus is also transmitted by people who have been vaccinated. Therefore, a mask requirement only for the unvaccinated certainly does not help. How far do you want to go? An absolute ban on going out for those who have not been vaccinated? Only go to work and home? I hardly believe that one will be banned from working, that would cost the government a lot of money, as there will be even more unemployed people. The vaccine attacks your own immune system. It collapses completely. Read the report here.

Refugees and Deportations

One can certainly still remember the wave of refugees in 2015. The number of asylum seekers who entered Europe had already reached 627,000 in 2014, almost doubled to over 1.3 million in 2015 and in 2016 was 1.26 million again, of which A significant part had already entered the country in 2015, but was recorded late. After tightening the asylum law in the most important target countries in autumn 2015, the establishment of border barriers on the Balkan route in March 2016, and the EU-Turkey agreement of March 18, 2016, the number of new asylum seekers fell rapidly to around 650,000 in 2017. 

You have to stem the flow of refugees. It cannot be that we are saving the whole world. Most of them are also economic refugees. Thanks to Merkel's welcome policy, more and more illegal people are coming to our country. Integration of the refugees usually does not work. It is getting to the point where we let the asylum seekers dictate everything. A government failure across the board. Image Resource Operation Triton.

With the refugees comes crime and violence. 90% of the refugees are young men between 17-25 years. Many pretend to be younger to fall under unaccompanied minors. As a result, many have false passports and false papers. You also never know whether there are terrorists among the refugees. How violent everyone is,  already shows the behavior in the Moria camp on Lesbos in September 2020.

War or economic refugees

Now, unfortunately, a wave of refugees is rolling over us again, which absolutely must be prevented. Read my other post about Afghanistan and the wave of refugees. Since the withdrawal of the troops and the takeover by the Taliban, thousands of Afghans have sought refuge in other countries. In addition, none of them are vaccinated or apply to the 3G. Afghan refugees: short-sighted ÖVP, dumb Greens. But what exactly do our politicians want? Kurz does not want any additional refugees, of course, our Greens do. Our former Federal President Fischer also wants to take in more refugees. The EU also wants to put more pressure on Austria regarding Afghanistan.

Let's be honest. Who are these refugees? How many women and children do you see on the planes? Half a million have fled since the beginning of the year. Besides, why should we burden ourselves with even more refugees? The Taliban presented a completely different picture in an interview with the Kronen Zeitung. They wouldn't want the population to leave the country. On the contrary. They would also ensure that women retain the same rights as before the takeover. Of course, you have to question the credibility.

Chancellor Kurz would be more for a financial injection. Although, Afghanistan has received so much financial aid and local help in recent years. But nothing has changed.  Austria already has enough citizens struggling to survive on a daily basis. 1,529,000 people in Austria are at risk of poverty or exclusion. One in four of them is a child. The effects of the pandemic are not yet reflected in it. Why is this problem not taken care of? Are Austrians second choice when it comes to our own country?

Border Guard

Austria orders more soldiers to the border with Hungary. Because more refugees want to cross the border, an additional 2,000 soldiers are deployed. 200 people smugglers have already been arrested this year. FPÖ boss Herbert Kickl accuses Nehammer of total failure. The asylum numbers have been rising for a year and a half. Currently, more than 100 illegal migrants come to Austria every day. The European asylum system of the EU had also failed.

No end of the refugee attacks in sight! The numbers have been increasing massively for weeks. In the previous week, the number of apprehensions in Burgenland reached a new high: 607 migrants in just seven days. Trend: increasing. At Stoob Süd, an emergency room even had to be set up at the weekend. Not only Central Burgenland, but also Schattendorf is currently a hotspot. Many migrants move around the community every day, which causes resentment and uncertainty among the population.

People are insecure. Many lock themselves in and turn on the alarm systems. The reason for concern is the large number of refugees who have been in the community for some time. We demand more security for our citizens. To protect women and children from assault. Rape is increasing rapidly. We don't want any more refugees. We want to be able to move freely. Our government has a lot of catching up to do. We should also finally break away from the EU.

Interview with Zabihullah Mujahid

It is a sensational interview that the journalist Shams Ul-Haq conducted for the 'Krone' with the official spokesman for the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. We discussed at length in the editorial team whether an interview with a Taliban representative could be brought in. We decided to do it - because Ul-Haq addressed almost all the sensitive issues surrounding this regime.

And even if the Taliban's spokesman appeases and puts it into perspective, it is of global interest what these Stone Age Islamists are up to. Mujahid replied to the question of whether the new Afghan government would take back citizens of their country if they are not entitled to asylum in Austria and perhaps have committed criminal offenses.

The Taliban spokesman said literally: “Yes. They would be brought to justice. The court has to decide how to proceed with them ”. It should be noted: Austria cannot deport at the moment, even if the Taliban offer or even want to take them back - and deportation would be out of the question if those affected in Afghanistan were threatened with death! And who says they are about to die? Women have a different status in Islam, so I hardly believe that a rapist in Afghanistan is threatened with death. With them, the woman is to blame if she was raped and murdered.