Midway To Love Rihanna And Eminem song lyrics

Listen and watch the video of this new release hit single of Rihana and Eminem titled Midway to love, read the lyrics, Midway to Love remix lyrics, download Midway love lyrics, Music mindway lyrics eminem rihanna lyrics song,

(ft. Rihanna)

oh, you cant hear me cry
see my dreams all die
from where you are standing

on your own
it's so quiet here
and I feel so cold
this house no longer
feels like home
All my life, I was told
I was never Nothing Special

I do not need to be remembered
of it every 
every other second
'specially when all myself-esteems's
Already shot to hell, I'm falling helplessly

I'm Embarrassed, I don't want no one else to see
cause I feel like I'm a piece of shit every time she yells at me
Selfishly Addicted, definitely doesn't help that she
Makes me feel like I've died and gone to heaven
but makes life a living hell for me
she does that thing with her lip,
now she's Melting Me
I'm putty in her Palms,
I'm wrapped Around her Finger
A yo-yo On a string,
She lets me sit there and just Dangle
Until SOmething better comes Along
And she'll just Drop Me Like A hot Potato

I look like I'm in pain, 
But I'm Okay though
'Cause I know She Loves me-
My friends, What Do They Know?

oh, you cant hear
see my dreams all die
from where you are standing

on your own
it's so quiet here
and I feel so cold
this house no longer
feels like home
 In my Moments of Weakness
I openly Admit the shit I wouldn't Normally
I'm Extremely Self- conscious and Enormously
Insecure and She uses it to torture when she torments me
It Only Turns To Ammunition for Her in This war,
When She
Gets Goin' She Don't Stop,
When I'm up She's like a Downer
When I found Her it was Love at First Encounter
Plus, Somehow She Musta
Took The Carton Of Eggs Off the Counter
Cracked Them and placed ALl the Shells on the Ground For
Me to Walk On WhenI'm Around Her
But There's Just Something About Her
What Makes Me Not Able TO Function Without Her
How can I get out of it When I Don'tKnow How To?
I'm A Doubter, I'm A pessimist, Make A believer out of Me

And Show me the way now
Or Stay the Fuck out of the Cloud of rain
'Cause I'm Going Straight Down the Drain, I'm Drowning

oh, you cant hear
see my dreams all die
from where you are standing

on your own
it's so quiet here
and I feel so cold
this house no longer
feels like home