10 Ways To Get AdSense Approval In 2023
How to get Adsense approval in 2023 Here is the detailed article
Getting AdSense approval is hard for most bloggers, because of a rise in competition and Google's stands of approval. But adsense approval should not be very hard, this article is going to show you how you can easily gain AdSense approval and start making money quickly
1. Get the right Adsense quality website theme
Adsense loves high-quality-looking websites, You have to show that you are serious and this means that you need to have top-quality-looking website themes. Make sure that you have installed the best-looking WordPress theme or blogger theme. If your websites are running on Blogger you can do that and see how it efficiently improves your website appearance and with it the chance of getting approved by Adsense.
Some examples of website themes that are good for AdSense approval are as follows
1 Varient Script
Variant script can be purchased for as little as $40 on the Evo marketplace, you can get it by creating an account on the platform and buying the script. The variant script is not available on Blogger but it is available on Wordpress and also as a stand-alone PHP website installation.
When you buy a script on the Envo market you are given about 1 month of free support but with any additional issues that you might face, later on in the future, you are less likely to get free assistance, you have to pay for any kind of future, additional requirements that might consist of upgrades and updates,
To get the best assistance on the script or theme, visit their official website and write a support ticket or you can decide to message any programmer who is on the list of people who might be willing to assist you. Mind you external assistance is not cheap and might cost you somewhere about $25 and above, Have that in mind when you are investing in scripts for AdSense approval.
2. Write and publish more than 28 articles
Writing and publishing articles should be something you are used to doing, this shall help you get AdSense approval and avoid error messages such as being rejected due to thin content, or irrelevant content detected. Make sure you are posting content that is of top quality and many of it. When you post more than 28 articles you are more likely going to increase your chances of AdSense approval.
To know what to write and post, simply go to Google search and do some research on what you are about to write and make sure you write well-researched articles on any topic of your choice based on the niche. Depending on the niche as well writing style might greatly differ.
3. Write articles that are top-ranking and high quality
Hiring writers from places like Fiver can help you quickly grow your website and also increase your website's chances of getting Adsense approval in 2023. Adsense workers who get to approve your website will read the article and if they are written well with no grammatical errors you are more likely going to be approved by Google for AdSense.
The best way to write good quality articles for Adsense is simply to go online and download things such as Grammarly Writing Assistant, Grammarly Writing Assistant is good because it will help you correct your grammar and eventually this will mean that your articles will be of high quality.
4. Have articles that Rank On Google Search
Having articles that rank on Google search, assures you that you will easily get Google AdSense approval because Google workers like to have websites that get a decent amount of Organic traffic, No organic traffic means, no AdSense approval. Therefore what you need is articles that rank on Google search for you to be approved. Google Adsense requires an average of 100 visitors per day to your website. And these visitors are required to be organic visitors and that makes up a tool of about 3,0000 visitors a month.
Google always wants quality traffic to a website, without quality traffic you are less likely to get approved by Google Adsense. Therefore keep in mind and write best quality ranking articles to gain adsesne approval.
Getting your articles to rank is not a walk in the park, as it involves so much keyword research and traffic volume. Make sure when you are writing an article based on a certain keyword suitable for your niche, it has a good traffic score and also a good CPC in addition it is easy to rank for it and that not many people are writing to rank against you on it.
Also, keep in mind that Google constantly has updates that might ruin your website ranks and this is just something horrible that occurs with the business. Online business are not easy and getting admission approval is not the end of things Even getting adsence does not mean you will stop having issues, this is far from reality.
5. Follow Policy and Post Things that do not violent Google Policies
Google AdSense has policies and they do not approve any website that just has articles they do not recommend. Ads shown on Google AdSense, are shown to websites that follow protocol, failing to get the policies of Google shall mean that you will research a rejection error such as "policy Violation" which means some content on your website has violated policies and shall therefore not be approved for absence.
6. Get High-Quality Backlinks to your website
Getting high-quality backlinks to your websites is beneficial in so many ways, One of the ways is that it will help you to easily rank on Google search as your article shall have much strength and is more likely going to surpass other articles on the ranking list.
Backlinks are also going to help you get more traffic to your website, so have a budget for them but also keep in mind that backlinks from bad websites shall negatively affect your chances of getting advertisement approval in 2023
7. Have a Strong Social Media Presence
Social media traffic is also in some sense good for Google Adsense. Though Google recommended organic search, that does not necessarily add up to much when it comes to website earnings. Facebook and platforms such as Twitter should be leveraged to bring you the desired traffic you want. When you have a strong social media presence it is very easy to make a living earning money online.
Therefore consider, building your social media engagement and also link it to your website. This is good because it increases professionalism and you are more likely to be accepted by Google AdSense once you do this.
Social media traffic is easy traffic, if you have a strong page with thousands of followers you can leverage it and use it as something that drives your traffic to your website much easier
imagine a simple post that is related to your audience can easily get you over 1,000 visitors to your website, once your page followers come across the post.
8. Get A paid Domain
Getting a paid domain from places such as Godaddy, and Namecheap shall greatly help you in getting AdSense approval. This is good because professional domains help make your website look professional and this shall help you get Adsense approval in 2023. Those who do not have investments in domains are less likely to make money with AdSense because they might not get accepted or worse, if accepted they are less likely going to to rank on Google search.
understanding domains is vital for your journey online. Nothing is easy and you have to be ready for the unexpected, Keep in mind that if you are going to create a domain from scratch there are things that shall hinder your growth and possible reach. It takes time to build an audience and create useful engagement. a new domain is like a baby learning to walk, not many even know its name and for you to just rank higher above everyone else is going to be hard,
Therefore even what you write shall depend on the strength of your website. Powerful websites easily get traffic because they are stronger than other websites, for instance, the BBC website gets more than 50 million visitors per month. and that means it also has a strong powerful presence and it often takes to its already existing influence and super-old domain.
For you to get such kind of power and influence you need to be able to promote yourself locally and make sure that people end up linking to your website this shall improve your website PA (page authority) and also DA (Domain Authority)
9. Get paid hosting
Though in most cases, Blogspot and wordpress can do it, it is still recommended for you to go out and invest some money in a proper hosting company to host and keep your website safe. Make sure you invest or host with a company with Good computer support. investing in hosting companies makes your website faster and makes your visitor experience excellent. A good user experience is great for your website and Google because it likes that and shall award you with more earnings and approval.
1. Go for Hostinger
I am recommending Hostigner because they are good and a bit affordable but things shall eventually get more expensive over time, therefore have that in mind. set aside like $150 per year for hosting and other expenses like domain. In Godaddy domains, prices differ based on the amount you have bought it for and also the additional features like security that might be attached to the domain according to how you want it.
Domains do not last forever, they can easily expire and you have to be ready for the additional costs, also website hosting is a progressive thing, you are going to be in red more than you are going to be in profit. Keep in mind that you are more likely going to lose money before you start making money, therefore make smart purchases because mistakes will cost you.
10. Improve your website user experience
Your website should have things such as policies, Your website should also be fast enough to load This shall make sure that most people have a great experience with your website and this means you will get good traffic to your website which results in having a great quality website which is more likely going to get AdSense approval.
expanding on improving user performance, understanding that the Google ranking system is like maths, the more time people spend on your website and the more comments they leave as feedback the more likely you are going to rank up and improve your chances of getting AdSense approval. Therefore a website that is fast enough is more likely to retain users to its platform. To understand the performance of your website in terms of user retention you can go and check things such as Google Analytics.
Google Analytics is very good, it shows you real live data of who is on your website, where they are coming from and what are they reading on your platform. Google Analytics data shall also help you to get more sponsorship and brand details because online data is gold and having good data with high volumes of engagement shall assure that you are able to make more money and also you are more likely going to get approval from Google Adsense.
The above state points are some of the ways you can easily get AdSense approval in 2023. Make sure you follow them to increase your chances of getting approved in 2023. The concepts I have shared above shall help you get Adsense approval easily. Keep in mind sometimes it is normal for people to be rejected multiple times but that is okay and understandable, sometimes you just have to keep on applying and their responses are often generic. They might say you are violating policy when you do not keep on applying and they will eventually accept you for absence. but be mindful to follow what have written.